Portrait of a Graduate
Beginning with the end in mind
At Samuel Fuller School, our vision statement paints a Portrait of a Graduate, a student who has progressed through the grammar, logic, and rhetoric stages of the trivium, a student who has moved on into adulthood and life beyond school. We are looking toward the future and asking ourselves what kind of adults - what kind of humans - we want our students to be.
This Portrait of the Graduate is a sketch of the main characteristics that we hope to cultivate in the students we graduate from our school and it informs all that we hope to accomplish as Christian educators, as an institution, and as a community of faith and learning. Beginning with the end in mind, we are able to give focus to all that we do whether in Kindergarten or 12th grade. Whether students are in the classroom, competing in City State events, or participating in a concert or drama, we are looking for opportunities to cultivate that which is True, Good, and Beautiful. We envision graduating students who:​
Listen Carefully
Think Critically
Communicate Eloquently
Serve Compassionately
Represent Jesus Christ Faithfully
These things are only possible if our students grow into men and women who are . . .
Growing in Faith
There is nothing more important in a person's life than to be reconciled to God, living in union with Him. It is faith in Jesus Christ that reconciles us to God and allows His image in us to be restored.
Participating in the Body of Christ
Christians are not meant to be isolated as they live in light of the Gospel; rather, they participate in the "body of Christ" - the Church. While our goal of discipleship means that we continually teach and remind our students of the Gospel, we do not attempt to take the place of the local church. Instead, we see ourselves as a support to local churches as they seek to disciple families for the Kingdom of Christ.
Practicing Spiritual Disciplines
Participation in a local church provides the necessary formation of Christians through worship and body life, and we strive to continue this work of Christian formation by providing opportunities to practice the disciplines of studying Scripture, prayer, and Christian service.
Reading and Reasoning Well
We believe that the enjoyment of good books and quality writing and the development of sound reading skills are the first steps to embracing a love of learning. We teach our students to read good books that help them grow in knowledge and wisdom and maturity, encouraging them to read in order to further their education. We teach them to read so that they can be involved in the “Great Conversation.” We desire that they be students of the Word who appreciate great stories while developing a Christian worldview. Most importantly we teach our children to read because we desire for them to emulate the Living Word of God - Jesus Christ.
Logic is the skill of reasoning, and we train our students to be discerning and to use this skill to pursue questions and find arguments. To reason well, students must be committed to the truth and learn to value ideas that are most worth considering and that lead to wisdom.
Speaking and Writing with Wisdom and Eloquence
Rhetoric is the skill of persuading others of what is good, and true, and beautiful. Without the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively, wisdom and knowledge are only of benefit to the one who possesses them. If students are to impact the world for Christ, they must be able to communicate truth clearly and winsomely.
Pursuing Beauty and Working with Diligence
The beauty of God and his creation opens our eyes to wonder and inspires us to pursue that beauty more deeply. This pursuit of beauty coupled together with diligence and hard work equips students with the ability to participate in the sciences and the arts with joy and delight.
"Our job [as teachers] is to constantly help our students connect the ordinary and seemingly mundane to the sublime and transcendent values that define the meaning of our existence."
- Robert Littlejohn and Charles T. Evans,
Wisdom and Eloquence: a Christian Paradigm for Classical Learning
Loving and Serving Christ and Others
Like the apostle John, we have no greater joy than to hear and see that our students are walking in the truth. Our prayer is that they will love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, and mind and that we will see this visibly manifested in love and service toward their classmates, parents, and teachers. We pray that we will see a heart of service in our graduates as they participate in the advancement of Christ's Kingdom in this world.